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The 4th Annual Reunion - Hilton Hotel Birmingham

With the number of attendees increased again this year it is anticipated  that we will have over 49 for our 50th anniversary reunion next year in Hereford. It would make it extra special if we could get the magic 49 number.


The 27 who attended this years reunion  were :- Dave Beaumont; Barry Brannigan; Bob Cuss; Mike Dewes; John Evans; Keith Fraser; Alan Gray; Bill Masterton; Jim McComisky; Alistair McCrindle; Eddie McKnight; Terry Muff; Brian Ogilvie; Tom Paterson; Geoff Plaxton;  Gil Ridley; Mike Savage; Mike Stephens; John Thompson! Ron Thompson; Richard Wardrobe; Des Wilson; and Ian Wilson.


This year there were two options put forward for Saturday morning and with some choosing a visit to the Arboretum and the others a boat trip on the Birmingham canal it was decided to have the ten pin bowling competition and the meal at the casino on Friday.


Des Wilson Wilson and Mike Stephens went to go and book the bowling lanes to see what if any discount they could get on the standard £6.95p per person per game. It is still unclear how the cost came down to £5 per person for TWO GAMES but it had something to do with the assistants name being Claris and after 10 mins of Des explaining Jodie Fosters roll as Claris Starling in The Silence of the Lambs I think the bemused young lady just wanted to move on to her now very long queue.


Beautiful sunshine greeted us as we arrived at the National Memorial Arboretum near Alrewas, the main reason for the visit was to see the memorial garden dedicated to all those who joined the Royal Air Force as Boy Entrants. On arrival we found the place full of ex Servicemen and their families, some of whom were attending a ceremony to commemorate the 90th Anniversary of the formation of the Halton Apprentices.

During our walk around viewing the many Armed Services memorial’s we came across the Boy Entrant garden with its plaques dedicated to all the stations that had seen Boy Entrants pass through their gates. There was also a commemorative centrepiece to all ‘lads’ who joined as a Biy Entrant.


When visiting the main memorial walls listing all Servicemen who had died in combat/civil unrest since the end of World War II, we noted sadly that names were still being added on an all too regular basis due to the conflict in Afghanistan. Mike Dewes also recognised the names of airmen  who had died in a plane crash when he was serving at RAF Colerne. We all found the whole experience of the Arboretum very moving.


Saturday afternoon offered the opportunity to get together to chat or chill before heading into the city centre for an evening meal. Two ladies were present this year, John Thomson’s wife Eileen and Mike Savages wife Gill and as can be seen from the photos both ladies were made very welcome and they enjoyed the whole experience. A special thank you to Linda, Johns daughter who organised John and Eileen’s trip from Ireland for the reunion as a surprise present for them.


By the time everyone arrived and we eventually got the bowling underway it was obvious we were going to run over the time our evening meal was booked for. From the score cards collected in looks as if Alistair McCrindles team achieved their third win on the trot, but losing captain Bob Cuss lead his men by example ending up top striker and points scorer.


We were once again looked after extremely well in the Star City Casino restaurant. After the meal Des Wilson came up with a system of spreading the free £5 bets we all had to somehow cover all the numbers on the table. Incredibly this worked and for the third year running we picked up a very nice beer kitty of £180. The spacious venue also afforded everyone the opportunity to re,ax after their journeys and get together with the first time attendees to relive their memories if Hereford and recall ex Boy Entrants they had met post Hereford.


On Saturday morning as we boarded the barge for the canal trip there was a feeling in the air that it was going to be an eventful hour and so it turned out !  Firstly the information PA system failed but like the true spirit of the 49ers everyone chipped in with their description of what we were passing. From the comments of the rest of the passengers our commentary was a lot more colourful and interesting than the prepared one.  Then at about the half way point we CRASHED !!!  I am sure sure it was nothing to do with us but it certainly livened everyone up, especially when a number of our party were asking if there was a lawyer onboard as they wanted to claim WHIPLASH. The holding of necks, arms and backs could have won them Oscars.

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