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The 5th Annual Reunion - Three Counties Hotel Hereford

Attending this 50th Anniversary Celebration were :


Mike Stephens; Dave Beaumont; Bob Cuss; Alistair McCrindle; Alan Gray; Des Wilson; Frank Wilson; Ian Wilson; Alan Peebles; John Evans; Barry Brannigan; Keith Fraser; Bob Izatt; Malcolm Jones; Terry Lewis; John McKowen; Brian Ogilvie; Bob Pitt; Richard Wardrobe; Geoff Plaxton; Bob Rock; John Thompson; Gil Ridley; Brian Medland; Jim McComisky; Con Martin; Terry Lewis; Bill Masterton; Mike Savage; Tom Paterson; Ron Thompson; Stuart Simpson; and Peter Wood.


Friday 10th May


The day started earlier than the previous reunions when four intrepid golfers (Alan Gray, Tom Paterson, Frank Wilson and Brian Ogilvie) took to the Belmont Golf Course for a four ball match organised by Frank Wilson. However even they were beaten to be the first at the hotel with Bob Cuss having travelled down a day earlier to get settled in. From late morning the rest of the lads started arriving at the Three Counties Hotel to meet up with old friends, some of whom they haven’t seen for nearly 50 years. The lads attending their first reunion were: Brian Medland; Alan Peebles; John McKowen; Bob Rock; Stuart Simpson; Frank Wilson and Peter Wood. Some of the lads travelled from afar with John Thompson travelling from Northern Ireland, Terry Lewis from Isle of White, Frank Wilson from Portugal and John McKowen from the far north of Scotland.


Sadly just before the reunion we had a number of withdrawals: Terry Muff, Tom Whoriskey, Trevor Harvey, David Davis, Eddie McKnight, Mike Dring, Norrie Lowson, Brian Rolley, Mike York, Mike Dewes and Norrie Beatie,  some through illness and we would like to take this opportunity to wish them a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing them next year.


The afternoon saw some of the lads going into Hereford to find old haunts whilst the rest stayed at the hotel to meet old friends at they arrived. Many a story was told and photos enjoyed along with a lot of catching up. Before we knew it, it was evening and whilst a few of the lads decided to eat at the hotel, the majority went off to the Belmont Golf Club for a meal having earlier found out that the original choice The Travellers Rest pub had closed down. After the meal it was back to the hotel for more stories and catching up on the last 50 years.


Saturday 11th May.


The morning started with an excellent breakfast after a good nights sleep. Here we met Pete Wood for the first time as he had arrived late on Friday evening after a delayed journey from his home. Also it was here that we learnt that one of our number Keith Fraser had to return home because of an illness in his family. By mid morning it was time to get dressed up in our finest for the photo shoot undertaken by the local press The Hereford Times. There was a mixture of dress including suits, dinner jackets, Scottish formal wear with a kilt and last but not least Tom Paterson in his US Masters style green jacket. Those that had medals wore them with pride. After the photo shoot it was back into less formal clothes and for most off to Hereford to have a look round a local brewery that had been arranged by Ian Wilson. Whilst most went to the brewery a few lads decided either to have a relaxing afternoon or have a look round the city.


The Brewery was a one man enterprise run by an ex member of the Parachute Regiment where he brews four 4 beers and on arrival we congregated in to the bar of The Victory pub for a few complimentary beers. Soon after arrival we were split into 4 groups and given a tour of the brewery by the owner and although it was a small concern, it was very interesting and obviously hard work for the owner and hid apprentice. Before leaving we were treated to some food of sausage and chips which went down well with the beer. After the visit to the brewery it was back to to the hotel by foot for most, for a spot of relaxation before the meal in the evening. Some of the lads went back to the hotel bar to watch the the FA Cup Final whilst some went back to their room for some Egyptian Pt.


At 1900hrs we all gathered in the bar in our best clothes, again with medals, prior to going into the dining room annex for our formal meal. In the dining room annex, set aside for our own use we sat down for a three course meal with background music from the 60s.

Dave Beaumont proposed the toast to the 49th Entry and in his stirring warm welcome address he thanked everyone for making the effort to attend this milestone occasion for the 49th Entry. He continued by thanking Mike Stephens for all the hard work put in to make the reunion such a success, grateful thanks also went to Gil Ridley for the sponsorship of our website, John Evans for videoing the whole occasion and John McKowen for the commemorative bottles of whiskey. It then fell to the youngest attendee Bob Rock to toast absent friends and make the Royal Toast. After the excellent meal it was time to relax and enjoy each other’s company.


Sunday 12th May


Sunday morning saw everyone meet up in the dining room for breakfast and then onto the hotel reception for fond farewells, where many were prepared to make the commitment to meet up again next year wherever the venue will be.

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