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The 6th Annual Reunion - Hilton Hotel - Birmingham 

This years reunion was held Holiday Inn Nottingham on the weekend 25th - 27th April 2014. Those attending were John Evans; Rob Izatt; Bob Cuss; Dave Beaumont; Alistair McCrindle; Alan Gray; Gil Ridley; Geoff Parsons; Brian Ogilvie; Nigel Swift; Barry Brannigan; Mike Dewes; Bob Rock; Ian Wilson; Richard Wardrobe; Jim McComisky; Stuart Simpson; John Keogh; and Mike Stephens. Sadly Tom Paterson and Peter Wood did not make it due to family circumstances at home.


Two new names were added to the reunion list of attendees in Geoff Parsons  and Nigel Swift, also congratulations must go to Bob Cuss, Dave Beaumont, John Evans, Rob Izatt, Alistair McCrindle and Mike Stephens  on 100% attendance. We were also joined by Gil Ridleys wife Anne and John Keogh’s brother Jim, who were made very welcome, in fact Anne became the the official group photographer to which we are most grateful. Anne also became the third member of the Ridley household  to be one involved with the 49th Entry joining - Gil (boy entrant & website sponsor) and son Ben who set up the website and who’s invaluable help maintaining it is still ongoing.


On Friday evening at the meet and greet, the late afternoons arrivals decided to visit the nearby Beefeater for some nourishment whilst the early birds  who had already eaten headed for the City Centre. On behalf of those who went to the Beefeater I have been asked to extend a very big sincere thank you to Richard Wardrobe for his amazing generosity.  In the “Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem” pub Mike Stephens, Bob Cuss, Ian Wilson and Rob Izatt met the REAL Robin Hood who looked amazingly young considering his age. As well as the 4 above everyone else who sampled the Inns hospitality, would recommend a visit to taste its real ale, good food and very friendly welcome.


Even though the cost of drinks in the hotel were on the high side, a number of 49er’s took the time to socialise into the early hours with the other reunion group staying there from British  Rail. Even so the Saturday morning saw everyone up and ready for the days entertainment which included an Indoor Golf tournament and football match (Notts County v Swindon). As for the soccer match, the game only came to life for the rugby lads in the party when a big punch up broke out late in the match which lead to 4 Yellow cards and 2 Reds !!!  Whilst the above was taking place a number of the group took time to visit the many interesting sights of Nottingham and their feed back was very favourable.  Everyone agreed the stroll along the canal from the hotel into the city itself was a very enjoyable experience. 


At the Saturday evening reunion dinner Bob Rick toasted the Queen and absent friends whilst Dick Wardrobe pulled up an empty chair alongside himself “Just In Case” Des Wilson might turn up late !!!  As usual the conversation during the reunion dinner was mostly about catching up with what happened during the past year but this time there was also encouraging conversations of new 49er’s. This has come about mainly through Dave Beaumont who us always exploring new avenues of research. One notable new 49er is Hugh Harkness who resides in America and can be easily contacted on Facebook, in fact Hugh is hoping to combine a visit back to Britain to coincide with a future reunion date. Mike Stephens and Des Wilson met up with Brian Rolley in March and he was asking for his name to be put down for next years reunion. Also Bob Cuss is meeting up with Norrie Lowson soon and it looks very promising that he will be at the 2015 reunion.


Many thanks to John Evans who brought 50 DVD’s of his Hereford Reunion video and handed them out to everyone attending, for anyone else who would like a copy please contact me by email and we can discuss getting it to you.


During the weekend next years reunion was discussed and the date of 15th May 2015 was agreed. As you will all realise this is a very special date for us, Dave and I would like to make 2015 extra special.

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