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The 8th Annual Reunion - Thoresby Hall

It is with a very heavy heart I have to announce that since our reunion on 9th May, Bill Masterton lost his courageous fight with cancer. He passed away on 1st June, I know I speak on behalf of everyone in 2 sad 49th Entry when I say he will be greatly missed.


Attendees this year: Bill Masterton; Bob Rock; Malcolm Jones; Brian Medland; Stewart Simpson; Des Wilson; Mike Stephens; Bob Cuss; Dave Beaumont; Mike Dewes; Bob Izatt; John Evans; Alan Gray; Brian Ogilvie; Keith Fraser; Jim McComisky; Barry Brannigan; Alastair McCrindle; Trevor Harvey; Peter Wood; Richard Wardrobe; Eddie McKnight; Ian Wilson; Barry Hood; John Thompson; Terry Muff; and Con Martin. ( 16 x B Flt & 11x G Flt )


On a recommendation from Des Wilson, this year we changed direction from the usual weekend city centre hotel and ventured to try a two day midweek break at the Warners Leisure Hotel, Thoresby  Hall, Nottinghamshire. Regrettably there was one notable absentee in that Norrie Lowson went down with appendicitis a few days before the reunion and was not able to join us. Good news is he has made a speedy recovery and is looking forward  to joining us next year. A new attendee to our midst was Barrie Hood who was accompanied by his partner Anne, Barrie now lives in Canada and now claims the record of having travelled the longest distance to attend a reunion at over 3,000 mikes. For many of us this is the first time we have seen him since leaving Hereford in December 1964.


The year we also welcomed the 49th entry WAGS to the reunion: Mrs Ian Wilson (Stephenie), Mrs John Thompson (Eileen), Barrie Hood’s partner (Ann), Mrs Eddie McKnight (Jan), Mrs Terry Muff (Judy) and Richard Wardrobes partner (Anne). All were made to feel very welcome and thoroughly enjoyed the occasion.


Having arrived early and quenched their thirst in the bar Mike Stephens, Des Wilson and Bob Cuss proceeded to the bowling green only to find it was not that easy. After 12 attempts at the jack, only one bowl was left on the green and their comments of The green is too fast and There is something wrong with these balls did not impress the serious Nottinghamshire county player on the next rink. By late afternoon everyone had arrived and it was agreed to meet in the bar an hour before dinner to catch up on the last 12 months and next & greet the now named 49th entry WAGS. After the meal it was obvious the venue was hitting the right spot with an excellent choice of food and a variety of activities to participate in, plus there was a number of comfortable rooms for those quiet moments to reflect with old friends.


On Tuesday with the weather preventing our Archery & Shooting tournament from taking place a number retired to the billiard room for an 8 a side game which soon started drawing in the crowds. But as the allotted hour neared there was still two reds and all the colours left on the table. The audience swelled to overflow as some unbelievable miss shots were applauded and accompanied with great laughter, none other than Keith Frasers shot of the tournament which will be talked about by those who witnessed it for years. This was followed by a darts tournament with the standard sadly not any better, when Trevor Harvey’s first dart landed in the floor half way to the board and Peter Woods nearly hitting the Picasso 3ft above the board, everyone was moved to a safe distance from the throwing area. As both sides battled it out on double one for 20 minutes it was only thanks to the heroic efforts of official scorer Brian Ogilvie (who was nearly pierced on 6 occasions) was a result reached - nearest the bull. Later that afternoon some of our group participated in the indoor horse racing run by the staff albeit, chaos once again ensued as Trevor Harvey loudly complained his (wooden) horse had been Nobbled and had been doped.  Needless to say the staff loved the banter we supplied and pleaded with us to return next year.


At the reunion dinner Bob Cuss organised wine for the tables and Bob Rock made the customary toast to the Queen and absent friends. Dave Beaumont thanked Mike Stephens and Bob Cuss for their work in organising the reunion and also thanked Gi, Ridley for his continued sponsorship of the web site which has been responsible for so many 49ers getting back in touch. Everyone agreed the facilities and activities suited our require perfectly and a bite was unanimous if only to experience Keith Frasers next Shakespearean rendition which not only entertained us but everyone else in the room.

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