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The 12th Annual Reunion - Thoresby Hall

Those attending the 12th reunion, which had been delayed from 2020 because of the Covid outbreak found a different Thoresby Hall from previous years. Everything was waiter service, which of course meant queues, but typical of everyone who made the effort, we just made the most of it and were delighted to meet up with our old friends once more.


Ironically for the 12th reunion there were 12 attendees:- Bob Cuss, Russell Harvey, Rob Izatt, Dave Beaumont, John Evans, Malcolm and Pam Jones, Des Wilson, Barry Hood and his brother Harry, Alan Gray and Mike Stephens. We were all very sad to hear that Mike Dewes had been taken ill a few days before the reunion and could not make it, we wish him a speedy recovery. Many thanks to Barry who made the long journey from Canada to be with us.


With the popular Bowling Green out of use the pitch and putt became the place to start off the proceedings whilst waiting for everyone to arrive. Where as I do not think any of us will be threatening any Ryder Cup players it was a good laugh and as always very enjoyable rivalry.


Des Wilson organised a group of us take a stroll down to the village and we nearly made it. The only problem was the farmer whose land we needed to walk-through had been fenced off due to Covid. During the trek we came across a party of schoolchildren on an outward bounds weekend who were in a stream splashing their adult organisers and looking very cold, none of our party volunteered to join them !!!


The annual snooker competition ended in a thrilling draw with both teams winning one game apiece, and as each game went down to the black ball it became tense and very loud. At the end of the match Bob Cuss told Mike Stephens to make a vast improvement by next year or he will need to bring a pair of white gloves and be relegated to referee. Team A was Bob Cuss, Dave Beaumont, Des Wilson and Mike Stephens, Team B was John Evans, Bob Izatt, Russ Harvey and Alan Gray.


On the first evening a request was made to the rest restaurant staff that we would like two tables of six for the next evening meal and Warners went above and beyond giving us our own separate dining room. With this seclusion the banter between ourselves and the staff reached another level and everyone had a very enjoyable evening. The only hiccup proceeding the evening was Des’s confusion over the time of the group reunion photo, it seems that a quarter to 7 sounded to him like a quarter past 7, but with a little Photoshop magic we managed to include him later.

Bob Cuss must be commended for the effort he put in this year, as he did not really know right up until the last moment who was actually attending. Also keeping track of money he had to return and whose deposits were to be kept for next year turned into a real challenge. Even after all the problems he still managed a round of drinks for everyone from the reunion fund. Well done mate.


Pam Jones came up trumps as the reunion photographer capturing a very good selection of the proceedings. I know a number of our fellow 49ers who cannot attend look forward to seeing these very much. Many thanks Pam.

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