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The 14th Annual Reunion - Thoresby Hall


60th ANNIVERSARY OF 2 SQN 49th ENTRY                                                                                                

Those attending this14th Annual Reunion were :- 

Dave Beaumont & Georgie, Bob Cuss, John Evans, Alan Gray, Mike Dring & Sue, Russel Harvey, Trevor Harvey & Grace,  Barrie Hood & Anne, Harry Hood, Rob Izatt, Malcolm Jones & Pam, Peter Morrison & Shona, Jim McComisky, Alistair McCrindle, Brian Ogilvie, Geoff Parsons,  Geoff Plaxton & Chris, Bob Pitt, Bob Rock, Mike Stephens & Jan, Stuart Simpson, Des Wilson.

Sadly Mick and Laura Dewes could not join us this year as Mick's recovery from illness has not progressed as quickly as he had wished. Mick has been one of the stalwarts of the reunions over the years and he was sorley missed at this years reunion, we wish him well and look forward to seeing them both next year. Many thanks to Bob Pitt who produced a superb plaque for everyone to commemorate this milestone for our Entry. 

A  very  warm welcome was given to first time attendees Sue Dring, Georgie Beaumont and Jan Stephens who all enjoyed their experience at a 49th entry  reunion. Outstanding commitment to the reunions was again shown by  Barrie Hood and Anne who had flown in from Canada to be with us and help celebrate 60 years, exemplifying what a special entry we became. 

At the usual meet and greet Grace, Chris, and  Jan  were settling down when they were suddenly whisked away by our resident thesbian Keith Fraser and told he would be turning them into Snow White; Sleeping Beauty & Cinderella for his latest production on Tuesday evening. This had an immediate effect on the ladies as their nerves kicked in, out went the "Tea", "Coffee" and "Perrier Sparkling Water" to be substitued with Brandy, Whisky and Tia Maria. I don't wish to worry any 49er's unduly but Keith mentioned something about "Chippendales" next year !!! 

The very popular W. W. W. (Wilson's Warner's Walkabout) proved a great hit again this year and had the added bonus of us finding a TANK and a MICRO BREWERY at the end of the ramble, what more could you ask. Next year Des is hoping that he can get us further than the famers locked gate and Pete Morrison hoping he can persuade Shona to come along and keep her from the shops.

Not much can be said about the mini golf this year, as after the round everyone was even. To determine a winner however, one last putt each was taken to the furthest hole away, and of coures Des Wilson produced a whole in one to take it. Then he proceeded to tell everyone at Thoresby, nice one Des.    

Bob Cuss once again used his Geordie charm to persuaded Warner's to give us our own dinning area, top marks mate, and well done on the organisation of this years special reunion, we all appreciate the hard work and time involved.

At Tuesdays dinner it was appropriate that 49th Entry 2 Sqn's only Boy Entrant to make  Wing Commander, Malcolm Jones gave the first ever toast to His Royal Highness King Charles 111. This was followed by an emotional toast by Dave Beaumont naming all our comrades, who are no longer with us. RIP Lads we remember you all.

At this milestone for our entry, congratulations must go out to the following on a 100%  attendance at the reunions :-   Dave Beaumont : Bob Cuss :  John Evans : Rob Izatt : and Mike Stephens, there are also 3 others who have only missed 1 reunion, they are Alan Gray : Alistair McCrindle and Des Wilson.    

Since the first reunion in 2009 we have had 47 of the 93 that passed out attend at least one reunion, thanks mainly to Dave Beaumont and his assistant researcher Richard Wardrobe, well done both, keep up. It would be nice to reach 49, there must be more out there somewhere ?

I am currently working on a new page for the website under the heading Achievements Of 2 Sqn. It will include anyone who made the rank of Sgt and above, also anyone who represented their Group ; Command ; RAF or Combined Services at any sport.  I now have enough names to start this group, so if you would like to be included,  please let me have your details.

Many Thanks



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